Open Cell and Closed Cell Spray

A spray insulation is referred to open cell or closed cell because of the difference between the small bubbles (cells) that make up the foam.

Open cell foam is full of cells that aren’t completely encapsulated. In other words, the cells are deliberatly left open. This makes the foam a softer, more flexable material.

Closed cell foam is made up of cells that are, as the name suggests, completely closed. The cells are pressed together, so air and mositure are unable to get inside the foam. Because of this, closed cell foam is much more rigid and stable than open cell foam.


When you are insulating your house, you can find several choices of insulation products. It is not always easy to choose the best one for your building. Luckily, we have done the research for you and have gathered all the information you need to know when choosing the right insulation product for your building.

Existing Home insulation Removal and Spray Foam Upgrade

This is enables you to fix moisture problems and also to get a better air seal. Its uses are to also get rid of odurs and improve the air quality within the commercial or residential property.

New Construction Residential and Commercial

The aim is to keep the air you have heated in…and the cold air out. Often poor performing insulations have already been installed in the attic space, and sometimes in the walls and floor. To give an idea how many gaps there are that the heat can escape though, all added together will total a hole the size of a football in a relatively modern house to a hole the size of a dustbin lid in an older traditional masonry house, so it’s not hard to see why the heat is lost and the house feels cold.